The PUCO Apples to Apples electricity comparison chart is a tool that assists Ohio consumers discover attractive offers from energy providers. It shows the current rates, plans, and contract terms that are available to residents based upon their local utility service area and zip code. The Apples to Apples tool also provides details on natural gas rates.
The ohio energy choice market is deregulated, which gives residents a wide range of options for their electric and gas. However, finding affordable rates can be a challenge. Thankfully, there are online tools such as Wattbuy that help residents sort through complex plans, various rates, discounts for introductory periods, credit for bill payments, minimum usage requirements, and other stipulations that are available on a variety of Ohio electricity offers.
It is a PUCO Apples to Apples is a free tool that allows residential and commercial customers to compare Ohio electricity rates and plans. Visitors can also see an interactive map of the service areas of each supplier. It also contains helpful information regarding rights of customers and disconnection fees.
While the PUCO Apples to Apples comparison chart can be helpful for homeowners, it does not provide the same amount of information for business owners. It is therefore less useful for Ohio businesses who want to cut down on energy costs. Ohio businesses can evaluate Ohio electric rates and providers with other tools. One option is to search for a reliable energy provider through a government aggregation program like NOPEC. This kind of program can increase the purchasing power of a municipality in conjunction with other communities to negotiate better rates for its residents and businesses.
Ohio business owners can look for deals through an electricity retailer or alternative energy providers. These third-party providers don’t have distribution or transmission lines to provide electricity to businesses and homes. They will issue a monthly bill that covers the electricity supply and any customer service related to energy. Before making a decision it is essential that business owners understand the differences between their current utility and an alternative energy provider. It is also crucial to remember that any concerns regarding the supply or service of electricity should be directed to the local utility company.